Can You Be A Pilot With Glasses?

Imagine soaring through the sky, feeling the exhilarating freedom of being a pilot. You’ve always dreamed of taking to the skies, but there is one question that lingers: Can you be a pilot with glasses? In this fascinating article, we will explore whether wearing glasses poses any challenges to those aspiring to become pilots. Discover the requirements, technological advancements, and personal experiences that reveal the truth behind this intriguing question. So grab your aviator glasses and let’s find out if the sky’s the limit when it comes to pursuing your pilot dreams!

Can You Be A Pilot With Glasses?

Vision requirements for pilots

When it comes to piloting an aircraft, having good vision is of utmost importance. As a pilot, you rely heavily on your eyesight to navigate through the skies and make split-second decisions. That’s why certain vision requirements are put in place to ensure the safety of both the pilot and everyone onboard.

20/20 vision

Having 20/20 vision, also known as perfect vision, is not a mandatory requirement for becoming a pilot. However, it is certainly highly desirable. Pilots with 20/20 vision have the advantage of being able to see objects clearly at a distance, which is crucial for identifying other aircraft, reading instruments, and spotting potential hazards.

Correctable vision

Even if you don’t have perfect vision, don’t fret! Correctable vision is often accepted in the aviation industry. This means that if you require glasses or contact lenses to achieve 20/20 vision, you can still qualify to be a pilot. As long as your vision can be corrected to meet the necessary standards, you’ll be able to pursue your dream of becoming a pilot.

Visual acuity standard

The visual acuity standard refers to the level of clarity and sharpness in your vision. In most cases, a visual acuity of 20/40 or better is required to obtain a pilot’s license. This means that at a distance of 20 feet, you can see clearly what a person with normal vision can see at 40 feet. This ensures that pilots can discern objects and read instruments with sufficient clarity to perform their duties safely.

Near vision standard

In addition to having good distance vision, pilots need to have adequate near vision. This is important for reading charts, maps, and instruments inside the cockpit. The near vision standard generally requires pilots to be able to read small print at a close distance, usually around 16 inches or less. Having good near vision ensures that pilots can access important information while in flight without any hindrance.

Glasses and contact lenses

For those who rely on glasses or contact lenses to correct their vision, flying with these visual aids is common practice. Here’s what you need to know about piloting with glasses or contact lenses.

Flying with glasses

If you wear glasses, there’s no need to worry – many pilots successfully fly with their glasses on. Glasses ensure clear and crisp vision for those who require corrective lenses. It’s important to keep in mind that you should have a spare pair of glasses with you during your flights as a precautionary measure. This ensures that if anything happens to your primary pair of glasses, you’ll have a backup and won’t have to compromise your ability to see clearly.

Flying with contact lenses

Contact lenses are another popular choice among pilots, as they offer a wider field of vision compared to glasses. Just like with glasses, you should carry a backup pair of contact lenses during your flights. Additionally, it’s crucial to adhere to proper hygiene practices when wearing contact lenses while flying. The dry atmosphere in the cockpit can sometimes lead to discomfort, so keeping your eyes hydrated with lubricating eye drops can help alleviate any dryness or irritation.

Backup glasses

Having a backup pair of glasses is essential for pilots, regardless of whether they primarily use glasses or contact lenses. Accidents or unexpected loss can happen, and being prepared with a spare pair can save the day. It’s advisable to keep your backups in an easily accessible location, such as your flight bag, so you can quickly switch to them if needed.

Laser eye surgery

For those who want a more permanent solution to their vision correction, laser eye surgery is an option worth considering. There are two common types of laser eye surgery: LASIK and PRK.

LASIK surgery

LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) surgery is a popular procedure that reshapes the cornea to correct refractive errors. This outpatient procedure involves creating a thin flap on the cornea, using a laser to remove tissue, and then repositioning the flap. Many pilots have successfully undergone LASIK surgery and continue to fly safely with improved vision.

PRK surgery

PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) surgery is another laser eye surgery option. In this procedure, the cornea’s surface is gently reshaped to correct refractive errors, without the creation of a flap. PRK surgery usually has a longer recovery period compared to LASIK, but the results are equally effective. Pilots who undergo PRK surgery must adhere to a specific waiting period and meet certain medical requirements before being cleared to fly again.

Recovery period

After laser eye surgery, pilots must go through a recovery period before they can resume flying. This is to ensure that their vision stabilizes and any potential side effects are properly addressed. The length of the recovery period varies depending on the type of surgery and individual healing times. It’s essential to follow the post-operative care instructions provided by your surgeon and consult with the aviation authority to ensure compliance with specific regulations.

Can You Be A Pilot With Glasses?

Color vision requirements

Having the ability to perceive colors accurately is crucial for pilots as they often rely on color-coded instruments, lights, and charts. Here’s what you need to know about meeting color vision requirements.

Color perception test

To assess color vision, pilots are often required to undergo a color perception test. This test typically involves identifying different colors and discerning patterns within them. Some common color perception tests include the Ishihara test and the Farnsworth Lantern test. These tests help determine whether individuals can adequately differentiate between various colors and avoid potential confusion in the cockpit.

Alternate color vision tests

If an aspiring pilot fails the standard color perception test, there are alternate color vision tests available. One such test is the Operational Color Vision Test (OCVT), which assesses a pilot’s ability to recognize and interpret aviation-related colors. The OCVT replicates real-world scenarios, ensuring that even individuals with specific color vision deficiencies can demonstrate their capability to safely operate aircraft.

Special color vision certifications

If a pilot has a color vision deficiency that prevents them from obtaining a regular medical certificate, they may still have options to pursue a career in aviation. Some aviation authorities offer special color vision certifications, known as waivers or special issuances. These certifications are granted on a case-by-case basis and take into account an individual’s competence in other areas of aviation. It’s worth noting that these certifications may have certain restrictions or limitations outlined by the issuing authority.

Pilot medical certification

To ensure the safety and well-being of both pilots and passengers, a thorough medical examination is required before obtaining a pilot’s license. Depending on the nature of your flying activities, there are different classes of medical certificates.

Class 1 medical certificate

A Class 1 medical certificate is the highest level of medical certification and is required for those seeking a career as an airline transport pilot. This certificate is more comprehensive and stringent, covering a broader range of medical conditions and examinations. As a professional pilot, your health must meet the highest standards to ensure safe and reliable operations.

Class 2 medical certificate

A Class 2 medical certificate is designed for private or recreational pilots. While it doesn’t have the same level of scrutiny as the Class 1 certificate, it still covers important factors such as vision, hearing, cardiovascular health, and mental fitness. This certificate allows pilots to fly for non-commercial purposes, such as personal recreation or flight training.

Class 3 medical certificate

The Class 3 medical certificate is typically issued to air traffic controllers, flight instructors, and student pilots who are in the early stages of their training. This certificate focuses on essential medical factors to ensure individuals can safely perform their specific roles within the aviation industry.

Aviation regulations

Aviation regulations play a critical role in ensuring the safety and standardization of pilots and operations worldwide. Here are some major aviation regulatory bodies that set guidelines and standards for pilot vision requirements.

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that sets global aviation standards and regulations. ICAO collaborates with member states to develop guidelines for various aspects of aviation, including pilot licensing. While these guidelines are not legally binding, member states typically adopt them as part of their national regulations.

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

In the United States, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is responsible for regulating civil aviation. The FAA sets the standards for pilot medical certification and vision requirements within the country. Pilots flying under FAA regulations must adhere to these standards and obtain the appropriate medical certificate to exercise the privileges of their pilot’s license.

European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)

For European countries, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is the regulatory body responsible for ensuring aviation safety and standardization. EASA sets the guidelines and regulations for all aspects of aviation, including pilot medical certification and vision requirements. Pilots operating under EASA regulations must meet the standards outlined by the agency to obtain and maintain their licenses.

Flying with visual impairments

While maintaining good visual acuity is essential for pilots, it’s worth noting that certain visual impairments don’t necessarily disqualify individuals from pursuing a career in aviation. Let’s take a closer look at some considerations for pilots with visual impairments.

Monocular vision

Having monocular vision, or vision in only one eye, is not an absolute barrier to becoming a pilot. Many pilots with monocular vision successfully fly aircraft, especially in general aviation. However, certain restrictions or limitations may apply, depending on the aviation authority and the specific type of flying involved. It’s important for pilots with monocular vision to consult with aviation medical professionals to determine the eligibility criteria and any additional requirements they may need to fulfill.

Field of vision requirements

In addition to visual acuity, the field of vision is also taken into consideration when assessing pilot eligibility. Pilots must have an adequate field of vision to ensure they can spot other aircraft, detect potential hazards, and maintain situational awareness. While specific requirements may vary depending on the aviation authority, pilots typically need to demonstrate a wide enough field of vision to accommodate the demands of flying.

Visual impairments and career choices

The severity and nature of visual impairments can have an impact on the career options available to aspiring pilots. For example, a career in commercial aviation, particularly as an airline pilot, often requires meeting more stringent visual acuity requirements compared to general aviation. However, this shouldn’t discourage individuals from pursuing their passion for flying. There are various sectors within aviation, such as private aviation, charter flights, cargo operations, and flight instruction, where pilots with visual impairments can still find fulfilling and rewarding careers.

Mitigating vision-related risks

While pilots undergo thorough medical examinations, it’s essential to take proactive steps to maintain good vision and mitigate any potential risks. Here are some key practices pilots should adopt to ensure optimal vision health.

Regular eye exams

Scheduling regular eye exams with qualified optometrists or ophthalmologists is crucial for pilots. These professionals can conduct thorough vision assessments and detect any changes or issues early on. Routine eye exams allow pilots to monitor their visual health and address any eyewear prescription changes promptly.

Proper eye care

In addition to regular exams, pilots should prioritize proper eye care. This includes maintaining good hygiene when using contact lenses, protecting eyes from harmful UV rays with sunglasses, and avoiding excessive eye strain. Adequate rest, hydration, and a healthy lifestyle also contribute to overall eye health.

Vision-friendly cockpit

Designing a vision-friendly cockpit is another important aspect of mitigating vision-related risks. This involves optimizing cockpit lighting to ensure clear visibility without causing glare or strain. Proper positioning of instruments and displays can also enhance visibility for pilots. By working with aviation manufacturers and designers, pilots can help create cockpit environments that minimize visual challenges and maximize situational awareness.

Real-life examples

To inspire and give you a glimpse of what’s possible, here are some real-life examples of pilots who have overcome vision-related challenges in their careers.

Pilots with glasses

There are countless pilots worldwide who wear glasses and have successful careers in aviation. From airline pilots to military aviators, glasses have not hindered their ability to perform their duties. With modern advancements in eyewear technology and the emphasis on correctable vision, pilots with glasses can fulfill their professional aspirations.

Successful pilots after vision correction

Many pilots have also undergone laser eye surgery and achieved successful outcomes, allowing them to continue flying without visual aids. These pilots have experienced the life-changing benefits of improved vision, enabling them to navigate the skies with confidence and precision.

Challenges faced by pilots with vision issues

While many pilots with vision issues thrive in their careers, it’s important to acknowledge the challenges they may face. These challenges may include additional medical examinations, stricter medical certification requirements, and potential limitations in certain types of flying or certifications. However, with proper support, determination, and adherence to established guidelines, pilots with vision issues can still pursue their dreams and conquer the skies.


As a pilot, your vision is indispensable. Whether you have perfect vision, rely on corrective measures, or have undergone laser eye surgery, there are pathways for individuals with different visual conditions to pursue a career in aviation. By meeting the necessary vision requirements, regularly maintaining eye health, and abiding by aviation regulations, you can enjoy the freedom and thrill of flying while ensuring the safety of yourself and those who fly with you. So, don’t let vision concerns hold you back – with the right guidance and commitment, the sky’s the limit!